Fallout 4 p90 location
Fallout 4 p90 location

fallout 4 p90 location

So, naming all your stuff exactly as they are IRL is not lore breaking at all in any way shape or form.Įdited by Athanasa, 26 November 2016 - 03:23 PM. SPAS-12, same name in Fallout as real world, designed IRL 1972, WAY After divergence. ACTUALLY! Scrap all of that, because I found this on the Wiki. Our real-world AR-15 was designed in 1956, after the timeline divergence. Who's to say they didn't call it AR-14 in Fallout? Some people will go, "What's the point?" Well - the point is that isn't an AR-15. Because Fallout isn't our world - they diverge around 1945. The Fallout universe already has paralells for existing US weapon companies.

fallout 4 p90 location

I want to use common (but descriptive) names for things as much as possible - like "AR-15", for example. That said, I'm not planning to absolutely go ham in that area and use real-world brand names for specific after-market gun parts, or anything. Part of the idea behind WARS is to go closer to the real world, rather than further away from it. As such one basketball can produce infinite rubber and experience.Probably not, sorry.

  • Scrap one basketball for 3 rubber and make one for 2 rubber.
  • Katelyn Alden sells a shipment of 100 rubber.
  • Shelbie Chase sells a shipment of 100 rubber.
  • Sister Mai sells a shipment of 100 rubber.
  • Doc Weathers sells a shipment of 25 rubber.
  • fallout 4 p90 location

    Doctor Sun sells a shipment of 25 rubber.Rufus Rubins at Goodneighbor in the Hotel Rexford sells a shipment of 100 rubber.Daisy at Goodneighbor sells a shipment of 100 rubber.Deb at Bunker Hill sells a shipment of 100 rubber.

    fallout 4 p90 location

  • Trudy at the Drumlin Diner sells a shipment of 100 rubber.
  • Myrna at the Diamond City market sells a shipment of 100 rubber.
  • Trashcan Carla sells a shipment of 100 rubber, after the 1.7 update.
  • The Boston Mayoral Shelter has seven basketballs, one extinguisher, one kickball and one deflated kickball in the gymnasium area (one basketball is inside the cabinet in the locker room right before entering the gymnasium).
  • Plumber's Secret has 23 plungers and one basketball.
  • 86 pieces of rubber can be recovered by scrapping tires and tire walls in Graygarden.
  • * Nothing is gained if one does not have at least level 1 of the Scrapper perk.

    Fallout 4 p90 location